돈의문박물관마을은 서울 100년의 이야기를 전시, 공연, 교육, 모임을 통해 체험할 수 있는 역사문화공간입니다.
서울시 돈의문박물관마을의 “누구나 아는 방정환, 내가 몰랐던 방정환” 전시 디자인 및 아트 디렉팅을 했습니다.
Donuimun Museum Village is a historical and cultural space where visitors can experience 100 years of Seoul's history through exhibitions, performances, education, and gatherings. I designed and art-directed the exhibition "Bang Jeong-hwan Everyone Knows, Bang Jeong-hwan I Didn't Know" at Donuimun Museum Village in Seoul.
Client. Seoul Metropolitan Government
Produce. WOOINART Studio
3D Art. Hyun Guk Oh
Art Directing & Design. Yojeong Kim